Nobody wants to live with a parasite in their house. Parasites are worse than pests since they feed on you, and you need to get rid of them as soon as possible! Unfortunately, bed bugs and scabies are very common intruders of our personal space. If you’re going to get rid of them, you’ll need to be able to tell them different, even if they’re both unpleasant. Bite and itching symptoms are similar, but that’s where the similarities end.
What exactly are bed bugs?
Adult bed bugs are little, apple seed-shaped insects that hide in nooks and crannies during the day and emerge at night to feast on your blood. They don’t reside on you, despite the fact that they feed on you; instead, they seek for dark, dry locations where they can spawn in peace. The seams of your mattress, bed linen, clothing, and whatever cracks they can locate are among them.
These symptoms will let you know whether you have an infestation:
- Small crimson bites that itch (though some people do not react to being bitten), usually in groups of three to five.
- Your sheets have small traces of blood on them.
- The excrement of bed bugs appears as small black dots.
- Some folks experience a musty odor in their bedrooms.
- Adult bed bugs can grow to be up to 7 mm long, making them easily noticeable if you can find them.
It’s crucial to remember that while a small percentage of people are hypersensitive to bed bug bites, bed bugs do not transfer disease to their human hosts. Adult bed bugs can range in size from 5-7mm in length.
What exactly is scabies?
Scabies mites are little bugs with eight legs instead of six. They are arthropods, similar to ticks and spiders, and have eight legs instead of six. Because they are minuscule and cannot be seen with the human eye, this is purely academic. The mites are parasitic and feed on and in you. The larvae dig beneath your skin to lay their eggs, while the pregnant females burrow beneath your skin to lay their eggs. Scabies is the name given to a scabies mite infestation.
How Do You Know If You Have Bed Bugs or Scabies?
The easiest method to tell these two parasites apart is by their bites:
- Though both bites normally turn red, scabies bites are often accompanied by pale grey or skin-colored lines, which are caused by the burrows.
- Bed bug bites normally occur in small clusters, whereas scabies bites appear as patches, similar to a rash.
- Scabies bites look like raised lines, blisters, or scales, but bed bug bites seem like mosquito bites. In fact, scabies and eczema are often confused.
- Scabies bites typically produce more severe itching than bed bug bites, especially at night.
- Bed bugs may bite you everywhere on your body, and while scabies can attack you anywhere, the mites prefer skin folds like elbows, armpits, between the fingers, and the waist.
Scabies vs. Bed Bugs Treatment
Because the therapies are so diverse, it’s critical to know which one you’re dealing with. While a skilled bed bug exterminator can help you get rid of bed bugs with the bed bug heat treatment process, the same cannot be true for scabies.
You should consult your doctor as soon as possible if you feel you have scabies. They’ll prescribe one of a handful of tried-and-true topical medicines to swiftly alleviate the condition. Frequently, anyone who has had close touch with the sufferer may require treatment as well.
If you’re not sure but suspect scabies, ask your doctor to examine you. They’ll be able to tell you if you need medicine or should contact a bed bug expert. If you require the latter, click here to locate a bed bug expert in your area.