Do you have concerns that your home is infested with bed bugs? Do you dread the possibility of bed bugs infiltrating your home? If that’s the case, you’ll want to learn everything you can about the bed bug indications to look for and you will be able to answer the question “What do bed bugs look like?”
This will enable you to seek assistance before the issue develops. You’ll have an infestation on your hands if you wait too long or disregard the indications.
An in-depth guide to the early indicators of bed bugs and what to do if you find them may be found below.
1. Your Mattress Has Blood Marks
Don’t worry, when we say “blood marks,” we don’t mean your mattress will resemble a crime scene from one of your favorite CSI shows. In fact, these blood marks are so small and inconsequential that they don’t appear to be blood to the untrained sight.
Bed bugs are blood-sucking insects, which may come as a surprise to you. They’re also sloppy eaters, so traces of the blood they eat will be left behind, primarily on your mattress and sheets, but it may also be found on other furnishings.
The blood on your furniture isn’t even close to being crimson. It’s brown or black in color because it’s blood that the bed bug has digested and defecated on your fabrics, mattress, couch, and other furniture.
Here’s an exercise to help you figure out if you have bed bugs in your house. Simply walk up to your bed and pull the covers away from the foot of the bed. Examine the top of your mattress, then elevate it to examine the underside of the foot.
If you see any of these indicators, it’s time to get the bed bug protection you require. For both preventative and reactive services, use a professional bed bug control provider.
2. Weird Smells
This explanation may seem revolting, but bear with us! Some of the bloodstains on your mattress are the result of you crushing and killing bed bugs while you’re sleeping.
Despite the fact that infestations are prevalent, bed bugs do not travel in groups like ants do. They are, however, happy to warn their fellow bed bugs about any hazards to their health.
When you are searching and looking for bed bugs there are a number of signs that you will see during the bed bug inspection. Weird odors may be originating from an infestation rather than leftover spaghetti in your refrigerator if you’ve observed strange odors within your house, commercial offices, or other locations.
One of the fragrances you might detect is a powerful, yet pleasant aroma. An alarm pheromone is what this is called. All bed bugs have this protection mechanism. The aroma is intended to warn other bed bugs about the dangers in your home, as the name implies.
The trouble is, bed bugs’ warning pheromones don’t all have the same aroma. Even though these aromas are intended to warn other pests, people can detect them as well. If you smell an unidentified odor with a sweet scent, call a bed bug exterminator immediately once to determine the easiest way to get rid of bed bugs and discuss the options related to bed bug removal cost estimates.
3. You’ve got bite marks.
Surprisingly, many homeowners dismiss bug bites they discover on their skin. If they wake up with a bite from the night before, they’ll blame it on a mosquito that got into your house or a spider that got into your bed.
That bite mark, on the other hand, could indicate that you have bed bugs in your home. They resemble mosquito bites in appearance and have many of the same symptoms. They are painless at first, but as you come into contact with them, they get irritated and swell up.
So, how can you know if the bite is from a bed bug or a mosquito? Make a mental note of where you are. It’s most likely a bed bug bite if the bite marks are on exposed skin like your neck, arms, and ankles.
4. Your Entire Family Is Uncomfortable
When numerous members of your family experience the same discomfort at night, this is one of the most telling symptoms that you have a bed bug problem.
Take it as a symptom of a much larger problem if you and your family are all waking up with painful and itchy bug bites.
Once bed bugs have infiltrated your home, they multiply rapidly. To avoid the condition from growing any worse, contact a specialist as soon as possible to get help you with an estimate for a bed bug inspection cost removal.
5. Eggs and Exoskeletons
Blood stains aren’t the only indication that you have bed bugs. They can also leave massive egg traces as well as their previous exoskeletons, which they’ve shed. Bed bugs have yellowish skins, which can leave a yellowish tinge on your furniture or materials. The eggs appear to be milky in appearance.
The good news (for lack of a better word) is that blood, eggs, and exoskeletons are frequently found together. If you observe a combination of the three, get in touch with a specialist as soon as possible.
Don’t Ignore Bed Bug Symptoms
Use this information to your advantage now that you’ve read an in-depth guide to bed bug signs and how they can alert you to a growing infestation.
Please contact us at PestBusters if you have any additional questions, and we will be pleased to assist you with your bed bug infestation treatment.