Signs of Bed Bugs
Signs of Bed Bugs

Inspecting Area if you have Bed Bugs
Firstly, bed bugs can be difficult to get rid of if you don’t act quickly to remove. Secondly, bed bugs are a type of pest that create hives and can spread quickly. Thirdly, bed bugs can lay as many as 5 to 10 eggs a day and up wards of hundreds in a life span. The life span of a bed bug is 2 to 4 months. During that time a bed bug can wreak havoc on a home or business. Acting immediately will eliminate the bed bugs and allow you to get back to normal. Our bed bug heat treatment process can eliminate bed bugs.
Life cycle of bed bugs
- Life expectancy – Bed bugs can live between 2 to 4 months. Size of bed bugs – Bed bugs can reach the size of 1/16 “long
- A female bed bugs can lay between 200 to 300 eggs in a female bed bugs lifetime.
- Eggs usually hatch within 6 to 10 days which makes the bed bug heat treatment process very successful.
- Newly emerged bed bugs seek a blood meal and will need to feed at least once before each molt.
- These tiny bed bugs can molt up to five times before you reach adult hood.
- Remember that bed bugs can produce more than 3 generations in one year. All ages for bed bugs can be in an active population colony.
- Older bed bugs and adults can survive longer. They can go without a blood meal and can survive up to a year. Additionally, if conditions are better better, they survive longer.
Signs that you have bed bugs
- Sooner or later bite marks will occur on arms, hands, legs and even the neck and head area which may look like a rash.
- Additionally, bed bugs will live very close to their source of food. Areas where people will stay for long periods of time, such as resting or sleeping.
- Bed bugs are active during the night time and are dormant during the day.
- A bed bug will feed for 2 to 5 minutes then move back to their home or hiding spots.
Areas where infestation will occur
- Thoroughly check bedrooms, under beds and behind dressers.
- Check mattresses, bed frames, box springs, desks, chairs, and furniture.
- Double check behind pictures, clocks and areas that have wall paper.
- Check and verify that bed bugs can also be found in carpet and wood floor cracks.
- Look for brown spots and areas where bed bugs may be grouping or creating a hive. Bed bugs will group together in areas that are out of site.
Ongoing Assistance
We respond to our customers 7-Days a week. Call Pest Busters to schedule and appointment to for our bed bug heat treatment removal process. Our bed bug heat treatment process eliminates the removal of bed bugs.
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